Empowering works of Justice and the Great Commission.
A Forerunner Movement Preparing the Way for Christ’s Return
24/7 Worship and Prayer Creating an atmosphere for God’s presence to dwell.
Psalm 22:3 “…You are Holy; Enthroned upon the praises of Israel…”
“Facilitating night and day worship and prayer to host the presence of God where the poor are loved, the hungry are fed, and the oppressed are set free!”
“The fire must be kept burning on the altar continuously; it must not go out” Leviticus 6:12-13
“Don’t you know that God, the true judge, will grant justice to all of his chosen ones who cry out to him night and day? He will pour out his Spirit upon them. He will not delay to answer you and give you what you ask for. 8 God will give swift justice to those who don’t give up. So be ever praying, ever expecting, just like the widow was with the judge. Yet when the Son of Man comes back, will he find this kind of persistent faithfulness on the earth?” Luke 18:7-8